A worldwide problem? Beware of neko-hara, or cat harassment!
Vegeta here with Feel Fukuoka!
Remote work has become widespread all over the world in recent months, and I’m sure we have all discovered that there are both good and bad aspects to working from home.
As greater numbers of people have started working from home a new buzzword has emerged along with them…so keep reading to find out more!
What is cat harassment (neko-hara)?

Those of you who have a cat may already know where this is going.
Cat harassment is a major problem that goes hand-in-hand with working remotely…your cat getting in the way when you’re trying to work! Cat harassment is quickly becoming a major societal problem!
This includes problematic behaviors such as making an appearance on camera in the middle of an important meeting with your boss, pawing at the keyboard when you’re trying to type, napping on top of your computer, and the list goes on.
What’s a remote worker to do?
Cat harassment is creating new business opportunities?

Rumor has it that cat harassment has led to new business opportunities such as a new cats-only service provider curiously named “cat sister” as well as the sale of robots designed to play with your cat for you…could the rumors be true?
You sure can find a business opportunity in just about anything, can’t you?
Cats to the rescue...first Japan and then the world!

In recent years Japan has been experiencing its biggest case of cat fever yet. This is a wildly profitable industry, with sales of cat picture books, calendars, and other cat-related items as well as experiential services such as cat cafés really taking off.
Feel Fukuoka staff member Chen Chen visited a cat café herself, so be sure to check out the video to see what it’s like!
As the entire world continues to spend more time at home, having more quality time with our feline friends is certainly not a bad thing.
And just having these furry friends around is great for your mental health!
So I guess cat harassment is a pretty good problem to have, isn’t it?
Just be careful when trying to get your work done!
This is Feel Fukuoka’s Vegeta, signing off!