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Here at Feel Fukuoka Japan it is our mission to provide original content to share what’s uniquely fun and exciting about Fukuoka, Kyushu and Japan with the world. From the latest news to true-to-life accounts, from the things that only Japanese people would know to those only understood through the eyes of a foreigner, that is, everything from the well-known to the underground, we want to share it all with the rest of the world!
We are actively looking for article writers to join our team!
- Enjoy writing
- Enjoy traveling
- Like to share new things with others
- Want to encourage visitors from abroad to come to Japan
- Know great things about Japan that only you know about
- Would like to share what’s great about Japan with the world but don’t have the tools to do so
- Are interested in becoming a writer
If you are interested in joining our team please get in touch with us via the contact form!