Culture&Lifetyle Sightseeing Shopping Food 2021.03.02 [Last updated:2021.03.16] Fukuoka – One Station, One Neighborhood: Tenjin Fukuoka - One Station, One Neighborhood: Tenjin #ビッグバン計画#今泉#北天神#大名#天神駅#西通り#西鉄福岡駅#親不孝通りBigBangProjectDaimyoFUKUOKAImaizumiNishidoriStreetNishitetsuFukuokaStationNorthTenjinOyafukodoriStreettenjinTenjinStation天神福岡
Shopping 2020.08.07 [Last updated:2020.08.07] Introducing the “Tenchika”, Tenjin’s underground shopping mall So come enjoy some shopping on your way to the train station – no need to worry about the weather or temperatu […] FUKUOKAtenjintrip
Shopping 2020.04.15 [Last updated:2020.08.10] A Japanese supermarket turned international tourist destination? Shopping at Tenjin Shoppers Fukuoka (AEON) aeonshoppingtenjintripお土産便利天神日本超市福冈Sightseeing觀光观光景点買い物購物관광쇼핑일본 여행후쿠오카