When you can’t find a mask…
It’s easy to get sick when the seasons are changing. Especially, pollen allergy or flu are going around this time of the year. Therefore, it’s very important to protect you and your surroundings.
In this article, we would like to show you how to make a mask with easy steps!
First, prepare hair bands (could be replaced with rubber bands) and handkerchief.

Fold a handkerchief in half.

Fold it again.

And again.

Put a rubber band from one side,

and put another rubber band from the other side.

Fold the sides.

When you are folding, put one side into the other side. It will keep the shape!

Fix the shape.


Put the rubber bands on your ears.

Expand the handkerchief part to fit on your face.
This simple DIY mask could be helpful in case of an emergency such as when you can’t get any masks. Try it before the emergency comes.