お知らせ Culture&Lifetyle Shopping 2020.11.24 [Last updated:2021.01.07] Introducing Cat Furniture, brought to you by the “City of Furniture”! ネコネコ家具大川家具大川市福岡県
Sightseeing 2020.08.13 [Last updated:2021.06.16] Nyoirinji, also known as “Frog Temple” (Ogori City, Fukuoka Prefecture) Frog TempleFUKUOKApower spottripかえる寺パワースポット如意輪寺旅旅遊福冈县福岡県福岡縣Sightseeing青蛙寺개구리절후쿠오카현
Sightseeing 2020.08.10 [Last updated:2020.08.26] Come visit the scenic Kora Taisha Shrine with its over 1600 years of history! (Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture) FUKUOKAKora Taisha Shrinetripパワースポット久留米市旅遊神社福冈县福岡県福岡縣Sightseeing高良大社코라이대사후쿠오카현
Sightseeing 2020.07.31 [Last updated:2021.03.31] Fukuoka’s Best Kept Secrets: 5 Lucky Spots in Fukuoka! These lucky spots make a great travel destination or weekend outing, so be sure to check them out sometime! FUKUOKALucky Spotstraveltripパワースポット旅旅遊福冈5大开运景点福冈县福岡県福岡縣Sightseeing開運スポット開運景點개운 스팟후쿠오카
お知らせ 2020.07.15 [Last updated:2020.07.27] Food Donation Project for Foreign Exchange Students in Need against COVID-19helpコロナ外国人留学生支援外國留學生福岡県糧食援助計劃食料支援