COVID-19 Infections and Vaccination Status Update for Kyushu by Prefecture
*Taken from Toyo Keizai Online
“Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Situation Report in Japan”
“Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Vaccination Report”
*Figures shown below are cumulative (new cases / vaccination rates).
Current Situation in Kyushu by Prefecture
福岡県/Fukuoka Pref./福冈县/福岡縣/후쿠오카현
検査陽性者数 Tested positive 确诊人数 確診人數 검사 양성자 수 |
死亡者数 Deaths 死亡人数 死亡人數 사망자 수 |
1回接種人数 vaccinated (1st dose) 第一剂接种人数 第一劑接種人數 1차 접종 인원 수 |
2回接種人数 vaccinated (2nd dose) 第二剂接种人数 第二劑接種人數 2차 접종 인원 수 |
74,826 (+7) |
626 (+0) |
3,999,102 (78.0%) |
3,911,928 (76.3%) |
佐賀県/Saga Pref./佐贺县/佐賀縣/사가현
検査陽性者数 Tested positive 确诊人数 確診人數 검사 양성자 수 |
死亡者数 Deaths 死亡人数 死亡人數 사망자 수 |
1回接種人数 vaccinated (1st dose) 第一剂接种人数 第一劑接種人數 1차 접종 인원 수 |
2回接種人数 vaccinated (2nd dose) 第二剂接种人数 第二劑接種人數 2차 접종 인원 수 |
5,891 (+3) |
30 (+0) |
636,260 (77.8%) |
627,384 (76.7%) |
長崎県/Nagasaki Pref./长崎县/長崎縣/나가사키현
検査陽性者数 Tested positive 确诊人数 確診人數 검사 양성자 수 |
死亡者数 Deaths 死亡人数 死亡人數 사망자 수 |
1回接種人数 vaccinated (1st dose) 第一剂接种人数 第一劑接種人數 1차 접종 인원 수 |
2回接種人数 vaccinated (2nd dose) 第二剂接种人数 第二劑接種人數 2차 접종 인원 수 |
6,142 (+1) |
73 (+0) |
1,061,156 (79.4%) |
1,044,527 (78.2%) |
熊本県/Kumamoto Pref./熊本县/熊本縣/쿠마모토현
検査陽性者数 Tested positive 确诊人数 確診人數 검사 양성자 수 |
死亡者数 Deaths 死亡人数 死亡人數 사망자 수 |
1回接種人数 vaccinated (1st dose) 第一剂接种人数 第一劑接種人數 1차 접종 인원 수 |
2回接種人数 vaccinated (2nd dose) 第二剂接种人数 第二劑接種人數 2차 접종 인원 수 |
14,557 (+0) |
136 (+0) |
1,414,024 (80.4%) |
1,397,315 (79.4%) |
大分県/Oita Pref./大分县/大分縣/오이타현
検査陽性者数 Tested positive 确诊人数 確診人數 검사 양성자 수 |
死亡者数 Deaths 死亡人数 死亡人數 사망자 수 |
1回接種人数 vaccinated (1st dose) 第一剂接种人数 第一劑接種人數 1차 접종 인원 수 |
2回接種人数 vaccinated (2nd dose) 第二剂接种人数 第二劑接種人數 2차 접종 인원 수 |
8,261 (+0) |
84 (+0) |
895,288 (78.4%) |
879,416 (77.0%) |
宮崎県/Miyazaki Pref./宫崎县/宮崎縣/미야자키현
検査陽性者数 Tested positive 确诊人数 確診人數 검사 양성자 수 |
死亡者数 Deaths 死亡人数 死亡人數 사망자 수 |
1回接種人数 vaccinated (1st dose) 第一剂接种人数 第一劑接種人數 1차 접종 인원 수 |
2回接種人数 vaccinated (2nd dose) 第二剂接种人数 第二劑接種人數 2차 접종 인원 수 |
6,142 (+0) |
41 (+0) |
841,205 (77.4%) |
828,348 (76.2%) |
鹿児島県/Kagoshima Pref./鹿儿岛县/鹿兒島縣/카고시마현
検査陽性者数 Tested positive 确诊人数 確診人數 검사 양성자 수 |
死亡者数 Deaths 死亡人数 死亡人數 사망자 수 |
1回接種人数 vaccinated (1st dose) 第一剂接种人数 第一劑接種人數 1차 접종 인원 수 |
2回接種人数 vaccinated (2nd dose) 第二剂接种人数 第二劑接種人數 2차 접종 인원 수 |
9,173 (+0) |
66 (+0) |
1,277,982 (79.0%) |
1,253,759 (77.5%) |
Frequently Asked Questions (Taken from Toyo Keizai Online “Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Situation Report in Japan”)
Q. Why are there major increases and decreases in the totals shown partway through?
A. This is due to changes in the source of the data. Until May 7th, 2020 data from each prefecture was reported to MHLW and in accordance with Article 12 of the Infectious Disease Law was then released to the public after careful consideration. However, starting May 8th, 2020 data is based on the totals obtained from the independent disclosures from each individual prefecture itself. Since this change sometimes resulted in a lack of continuity from one day to the next, the “new” value in such cases is treated as zero. In addition, the inclusion criteria for other categories such as Tested Positive and Deaths have likewise changed and, in such cases, the same process was applied to them as well.
Q. Why is there signification fluctuation in the numbers reported on different days?
A. While there are sometimes actual fluctuations in the number of cases, other times this may be due to delays in reporting. In the event of the latter, reporting to the prefectures or the MHLW may not be performed on weekends and holidays thus resulting in a tendency toward lower numbers of cases for those days. While some of this missing data is sometimes later corrected for these days, at other times the missing data is added to and reported for the next working day instead.
Q. Why are some figures recorded as negative values when in theory this should not be possible?
A. This happens when past data was corrected. Since as a general rule the MHLW only discloses the latest total number for each item, only values on the latest day are corrected in the event that past numbers are found to contain errors.
Q. Why is some data different from the data reported by other media?
A. It depends on each individual case, but this is likely due to different sources of data (reported by the MHLW or by each prefecture itself), differences in cutoff times used when calculating totals, and differences in range of data included in the totals (whether or not cruise ship or airport quarantine cases are included).
Q. How can I access the data sources?
A. The data for May 20, 2020, for example, can be found here (Japanese site):
厚生労働省 → 報道・広報 → 報道発表資料 → 5月→2020年5月20日(月)掲載「新型コロナウイルス感染症の現在の状況と厚生労働省の対応について」
The latest information page in English by the MHLW can be found here:
About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)