NEW お知らせ Sightseeing 2023.03.27 [Last updated:2023.03.27] 福岡市地下鉄七隈線 延伸開業!(天神南駅~博多駅) FUKUOKAjapan traveltrip博多駅福岡Sightseeing
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Culture&Lifetyle 2020.09.22 [Last updated:2020.10.08] Public Transportation in Fukuoka Prefecture: Nishitetsu Trains FUKUOKANishitetsu Trainspublic transportationtrip福冈县福岡福岡縣西鉄電車西鐵電車西铁电车Sightseeing電車니시테츠 전철후쿠오카
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Sightseeing 2020.08.13 [Last updated:2021.06.16] Nyoirinji, also known as “Frog Temple” (Ogori City, Fukuoka Prefecture) Frog TempleFUKUOKApower spottripかえる寺パワースポット如意輪寺旅旅遊福冈县福岡県福岡縣Sightseeing青蛙寺개구리절후쿠오카현
Sightseeing 2020.08.10 [Last updated:2020.08.26] Come visit the scenic Kora Taisha Shrine with its over 1600 years of history! (Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture) FUKUOKAKora Taisha Shrinetripパワースポット久留米市旅遊神社福冈县福岡県福岡縣Sightseeing高良大社코라이대사후쿠오카현
Shopping 2020.08.07 [Last updated:2020.08.07] Introducing the “Tenchika”, Tenjin’s underground shopping mall So come enjoy some shopping on your way to the train station – no need to worry about the weather or temperatu […] FUKUOKAtenjintrip
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Food 2020.04.21 [Last updated:2021.03.31] A New Standard of Japanese Food! Fukuoka’s Soul Food, Motsunabe foodFUKUOKAJapanese foodmotsunabetraditionaltripもつ鍋日本料理福冈旅游福岡グルメ여행음식일본후쿠오카
Shopping 2020.04.15 [Last updated:2020.08.10] A Japanese supermarket turned international tourist destination? Shopping at Tenjin Shoppers Fukuoka (AEON) aeonshoppingtenjintripお土産便利天神日本超市福冈Sightseeing觀光观光景点買い物購物관광쇼핑일본 여행후쿠오카